Can we use TUBE PREAMP with SS AMP ?

I need input from Audiogoners if its possible to use TUBE PREAMP,(LS-25ARC with KRELL KAV-1500,(SHALL be using for 2ch use only) if so how will it sound, Has anyone tried it , Input will be highly appreciated.thanks.
I am using a Krell FPB 200 with a AE-3 tube line level pre-amp. There is a section in the Krell User’s Manual which will explain the use of Tube Equipment with their amps. An internal jumper/switch needs to be changed in the amp before use with tube equipment. I called Krell told them what I wanted to do and they faxed me the instructions. The instructions are easy to follow and it only took 5 minutes. I have not had any problems and am very happy with the combination of tubes and SS equipment.
Jelloistarca, I'm puzzled by your warning to only use a balanced interconnect between a tube preamp and SS amp. Could you expand on this a bit? What would you do if the pre and amp don't support balanced?
Grandpad, for reasons completely unexplicable I've found single ended interconnects from preamp to amp make excellent antennas. I had an annoying low level hum I just could not get rid of, switched to balanced cable, sweet silence! What a revelation. If you don't have balanced outputs on your preamp or balanced inputs on your amp you can always use Balanced-Single ended connectors sold by PAD or BAT.

Goone...VK30's do come up on the used market. I bought mine right here on the 'Gon. Jeff
MANY people use this combination. In fact the Blue Circle BC21 tube preamp and BC22 solid state that I'm using were designed to be a pair. Bascially, you get the smoothness of tubes with the power of SS. Have fun.