Shunyata King Cobra V1 verses V2

What are the differences between these two cords?
How much did they cost and how do they compare to the new Anaconda?
Any advice would be appreciated.

Which version is your King Cobra /

The original is more "ying" - analogue, darker, but very sexy :)

V2 has better speed and transient, but lacks the velvet tonality of the original.

The Python is a lesser pc but manages to combine a nice blend of the two KCs' character. The Anaconda Vx is much better. Then, there is teh Anaconda Alpha ...
P.S. Gilas, do you mean the original(v1) is more "yin" or "yang"? You've combined both words into "ying" which could be either yin or yang. Which do you mean???

My apologies - typo, should read "yin".

Original version is more analogue while sacrificing some transparency, so sounds a little on the dark side.

Anaconda Vx seems to have achieved a better balance than either V1 or V2.
I spoke to Grant Samuelson on these topics about the various versions. I happen to have two K/C V-1's on my trans/dac combo and completely love the sound. I tried a K/C V-2 from a friend of mine who has an analogue front end. I still much preferred the tonal balance of the K/C V-1's in my system, Mojaves on my S.S. mono amps, Cobra on my hybrid preamp and Python w/Hydra. Most of the time, it seems, the K/C V-1 would sound more desirable with solid state gear, where the K/C V-2 would be more at home with certain tube gear,....but not always, mixing and matching takes time and patience, these cables need a good amount of settling - in time (days, weeks) to achieve their goals.