Marantz SA-1 (Super Audio CD player) ?

Has anybody listened to the Marantz $7500 SACD player or compared with the Sonys? Or the Accuphase 75V player? Is the Marantz worth $7500 or about $5700 street price? Thank you for your input
Watt Puppy system: Gentelmen, I enjoy so much this particular discussion (not a single ugly comment...yet) I decided to give my "drop" on it. As a matter of fact, I never auditioned Series 6 - good beginning (but I heard that a friend of my sister-in-low played one on TV...). Well, I had Watt 3 Puppy 2 for many years and auditioned Watt/Puppy 5; I found "5" to be worse then 2/3 combo. I read that "6" has lower extention then previous ones, may be. However, I feel that Watt Puppy 6 may not be good for everyone, some may even hate it. SACD gives, per my personal opnion, the most realistic sound reproduction, beter then DVD-Audio and even vinil. For people who prefer small group or solo the Wilson speakers are very good. However, if someone like me loves symphonic, choral, operatic (BIG) music then 3/2 and 5 (and I suspect 6) do not have good dynamic range to represent the 'fury" of the orchesra. I changed mine wilson speakers to Diapason by Dick Shahinian (I am sure that participants of this forum know this name) and with SACD I am in "Paradise". Of course "6" may be different but it is difficult to believe. If I am wrong - please correct me but by ones who KNOW - Simon
Simon: I hate to turn away from the point of this thread, which is SACD not speaker evaluations, however, you could not be more mistaken regarding the Watt Puppies. They are very dynamic (not as dynamic as Avantegardes) and I would venture to guess that you have not heard them with proper amplification. SACD is magnificent with the Wilsons!

Still not getting ugly! :)
Jtinn: Don't point away from this thread. Analog, SACD converted, signals have bandwidth of about 100kHz. It put different requirment for the rest of the system. Nice to have speaker with hi-freq tweaters for example, more important such huge banwidth reqires very fast passive parts etc etc. So discussion of best speakers for SACD is appropriate. Next, proper amplification is the most obvious reason for speaker to loose its dynamic range. C'mon you can do better... Read HP critic of Watt Puppy 5. However, it well may be that "6" is different. As I stated in my post I did not auditioned them, only 3/2 and 5. I am glad, actually, to hear that "6" do have good dynamic range appropriate for SACD. Thanks for info - Simon