Check this out

Will a wood platter last forever? Nobody knows, yet buying decisions have to be made. Let's review what we do know.

NO ONE who's heard a top level Teres has ever claimed they've heard a better table, short of a Walker. MANY who've heard a top level Teres say it whallops every table that sells for less than 2-3X the price. Compare the specs of even an entry-level Teres 135 ($1,500-ish) to anybody else's TT that sells for less than $3,000. The other table will hide its head in shame. SUMMARY: both on paper and in listening tests the entire Teres lineup offers extraordinary value. This is relevant to your concerns, please stay with me...

Assume one wants to buy $10,000 "worth" of TT. One could:
a) buy an acrylic VPI, SME or Clearaudio for that price or,
b) buy a wood-plattered Teres 265 for $3,700.
Musicality and aesthetics aside, it's clearly more prudent to buy the Teres and invest the difference. If the wood platter warps every five years(!) you buy another platter and remain financially well ahead.

Assume one wants to buy $25,000 "worth" of TT. One could:
a) buy an SME 30 or Walker for that price or,
b) buy a Teres 340 for $6,500.
Same approach as above.

BTW, I'd recommend investing one's procurement cost-savings in more LP's, but that's a personal financial decision!

Wow, I just made a business case for buying a $3,700 or $6,500 cocobolo turntable! :) Anyone with WAF issues please copy. Like Twl, I don't work for Teres, but I'd be proud if I did. Better products + lower costs = happy customers.

Yyprez and/or Dan_ed, you're both welcome to come over and listen any time. The LP's can be yours or mine, but the risk will be all yours!
I can't say I'm quite ready to spend $6500 on a TT (notwithstanding your arguements) but I would love to hear a Teres, (even an acrylic base one) and compare it to my Michell Gyro. Where do you live? I am in Central CT, but I get around the country on business from time to time.
Hi Doug,

I might take you up on that some day. I think you mentioned your in Conn. I pass that way once or twice a year from N.H on my way to see my son and his better half in N.J. Last time I went to see them I stopped on the way a picked up a BAT vk50SE. My wife never knows what I'll detour for!

As for the Teres, I have been wanting to hear one for sometime. One of their TTs is high on my list of future upgrades but I don't know if I could quite swing the 365. You, Tom and others sure seem happy with them.
Jyprez, my so-called "business" argument (for a TT!) was pretty warped itself. Of course it wasn't quite fair to Teres. They'd replace a bad platter for free, maybe even with an acrylic one! <;^)

You wouldn't have to travel far to hear mine. You're in central CT and I'm in Middletown CT. I believe that gives us a prior claim on "centrality". :) Email me if like.

Dan_ed, as with Jyprez, email me if you're going to be passing through. My schedule is very fully booked but it could work out.