Cardas replacement cord for Sennheiser HD-600

I just had to mention that the new Cardas replacement cord for the Sennheiser HD-600 headphones is just terrific. It's well worth a look at around $150. Just had to mention it. Oh - Music Direct carries them ( No - I'm not affiliated with them - just a very happy customer. Best.
Well Chichiuno, if you've got something to say, don't beat around the bush ;~). BTW, I've dealt with those folks and they were a pleasure to deal with.
"whored on the 'net". Since when does demand and supply dictating market price equate to prostitution? I sense a bricks and mortar dealer with a bad case of sour grapes is griping here.
DW, I've been considering trying the Cardas out with my 600's. Could you (and anyone else who's done it) possibly post a specific description of what you heard, before and after the swap? Thanks!
Well, I hate paying the prices cable companies charge, and I agree they're horribly inflated, but the way I would view this is:

Headphones: 239
Cable: 159
Total: 398
So, the question is, can I get sommething else which sounds better to me than this combo for 400? (Ignoring the question of whether a cable is really worth more than a third of the price of the component it's connected to, which would make me see red).

Check out the review on, it was a good one!
