Best Power Cord

I am in the process of replacing my MIT Z cords on both my Bryston 9B THX amp and my Wadia 850. The system that the 850 is in has synergistic cables throughout and a Master Coupler for my Pass X-150. The Bryston is in my HT system and I use a combination of Nordost I/Cs and HT Pro 9 speaker cables.

Any thoughts for power cords for either or both of these components would be appreciated. I am thinking of perhaps a Black Mamba for the 850, but have read mixed reviews of that P/C. I also am thinking about a BMI Whale for the Bryston, but have not heard the whale yet. Any other cables I should be considering. I would like to stay in the sub $600 (used) price range.
Natalie: I've never really had to get over that "need" as I've never spent more than $200 on a power cord or $150 on an interconnect. But that doesn't really qualify me to make a statement that the cords I own are as good as any $1000 cable out there, as I haven't (and suspect you haven't either) tried them all.
Have tried a number of cords on my Wadia 850. Ended up liking the new TG Audio SLVR best. Made everything more transparent and focused without glare or harshness. If you like the direction that TG HSR-I (genII) goes in your system, you'll probably like the SLVR even more. By the way, the SLVR is much smoother than TG HSR-A, at least in my system.
I've had my TGA SLVR cord for five months and I'm delighted with it. Retail $500 (!). I curently have it on my preamp (Joule Electra) but I'm getting another one for my CDP, and possibly my amps. (Hi Bob!) I haven't tried that many other cords (Coincident, Shunyata Black Mamba & King Cobra, Blue Circle), but now I don't feel I need to. BTW, I also use the Nordost interconnects.

So what does it sound like???? Very open, big soundtsage, huge, solid image... smooth, focused, transparent, no brightness or glare. Balanced. I don't have dedicated lines or a power conditioner. The SLVR is plugged straight into the wall of my crappy circa 1961 wiring. I didn't think a power cord would make this much difference considering my old house electrical system...but it most assuredly did.

You should email Bob and ask him anything you want...he really knows wire and he' a straight shooter. Try him at and he'll hook you up with a local dealer.

The SLVR does take 30 days to completely break-in. Sorry if you don't believe in break-in, but it's true. This cord performed *exactly* as Bob told me it would.

My system: Cary 303 CDp, Accuphase T109 tuner, Joule Electra LA100 MkIII preamp, Meitner MTR101 MkII mono amps, Alon V MkII speakers, Nordost Quattro Fil ICs, Coincident tri-wire speaker cables.
I just want to reiterate Avguy's advice. Don't accept anyone's recommendation of a single cord without trying some others.

I keep a decent quantity of four different brands of power cables around, simply because they all sound different (not necessarily better or worse) from each other.

To give you an example - I was helping a friend put a system together and we had a Res Audio CD50 driving a Plinius 8200P driving Thiel 1.5 speakers. With this combination, power cord (let's call it A) sounded much better than cord B, and we wondered why anyone would ever buy cord B since it sounded so bad compared with A.

Once the system ran in we decided the stage size and weight were not quite what we wanted so we inserted a Plinius CD-LAD into the system and it took off (ie we heard it, and it was good). But the sound was not quite balanced so we tried a few things and eventually ended up using power cord B, and wondered why anyone would buy cord A since B sounded so much better.