Electrocompaniet EMC-1

Any thoughts or comments on this cd player?
I listened to this player and found it to sound very nice. During the demo that i heard it in, it absolutely beat up on the Sony SCD-1 playing standard "redbook" CD's. Sean
Hi Daniel, I find the EMC-1 hard to fault. I was comparing the EMC-1 against the Goldmund 39 at twice the price and the Gryphon CD player at around $6500. I preferred the Goldmund's transparency but it has nothing on the EMC-1s musicality or tonality. I am sure there are better players but at what price? Put one in your system and I bet you won't be thinking about updating your digital for sometime.
Hey folks, I thank you all for your input to my delima. I think there are alot of hype and marketing innuendo to find anything credible above and beyond what some of our trade mags tell us (not all). I agree with rosebud, although this is a one great CDP, there are and will be something always better. However, from what I hear, this player is an overall winner but I'll let my auditory apparatus be the judge of that, or even better, I'll let my wife be the judge of that.
I have a EMC-1 and have found that although it is a nice piece of equipment, I beleive YBA matches my Pass Aleph 2's better. Sometimes I find the EMC-1 a bit bright. As crazy as that sounds, it's my opinion. I did however find that removing the feet and putting some Black diamond cones did help imaging quite a bit.
Hi Briweve, that doesn't sound crazy to me. Depending on what the EMC-1 is sitting on (see isolation vs absorbtion thread) and what feet you are using under the EMC-1 can change the sound of this player dramatically. I have been able to make this player sound bright and hard to soft and uninvolving depending on what the player is sitting on and what feet I am using. Experiment and have fun.