Modified equipment...

I want feedback on buying/selling modified equipment. Do think mods devalue gear or add value in some cases? Don't you think you're better off leaving a piece of gear stock as it came from the factory and just upgrading to a better component altogether??
The only Stan modded unit I have that is probably worth more than a stock unit is my Pioneer DVD player I use in my den/home office system. DVD player makers come out with new models every 6 months, so mine while is only over a year old, is now 2 models obsolete to Joe Consumer. It sells stock on eBay used for only $80. I should be able to do a lot better selling on Audiogon as a CD player which is what the mod if for.
You will never get your money out of mods to equipment on resale--NEVER. Unless you absolutely LOVE the piece of equipment, and are committed to keeping it long-term, paying for mods is a BAD BAD BAD idea. And if you try to do your own mods, then congratulations--you've just married that piece of kit.

I won't touch a modded piece of gear w/a ten-foot pole, UNLESS the mod is done by the manufacturer/designer himself. HelloMusic is dead-nuts correct.
I recently sold a Dan Wright modded 333es. I had 20 offers in one night. I don't believe that blanket statements really can apply here. I was able to get good value on the price paid for the mods. On the topic of mods I have found them the most cost effective way to improve the performance of certain gear. I would not mod an uktra expensive piece but to get extra perfomance out of something like a rega tonearm, Pioneer DVD player or the Sony sacd players that are being modded is really were the big benefits are. The resale value of the mods will differ greatly case by case. Exchanging parts for ones of higher quality is very simple and will do no harm to the long term operation and will have incredible results for the dollar. I would happily buy any modded equipment as long as I know specifically what was done and by whom.
well...never say never. I've gotten my money out of mods. You would never do it to some pieces just bc. of warranty. For many pieces it's not so bad and is often very efective. You will probably never sell it to a retailer like HellosimplyMusic.
i think some tried and true mod companies (stan warren; great northern audio) will not improve the resale but will allow you to sell it without a give away price. i have bought one piece of gear that was modded (by the designer himself as sf). it would not work with my equipment. he took it back (thank goodness). that was the last piece i will buy that is modded. fwiw.