I have been experimenting with the bybee filters for the past 3 weeks and my experience has been quite unsettling. I had my perpetual tech. p3a and monolithic sound modified by Modwright 3 weeks ago. I had the level II upgrade and power supply upgrade (in addition I had bybees placed on analog outs on DAC and purchased another pair for my tweeters). Upon first listening something was completely out of wack, my system though smooth was utterly uninteresting.
I decided to remove the bybees from the analog outs on DAC. What a difference! I believed transparency had returned to its pre- mod state. I listened to my system in this configuration (bybees on AC ins on Monolithic and tweeters) for a couple week, still it seemed something was missing, the emotional involvement just wasn't there (even to pre modified configuration). Finally a couple days ago I removed the bybees from my tweeters, air and ambience returned as well as my emotional involvement.
At this point I am very happy with my system (bybees still on Monolithic AC ins), all the good things others say about monolithic mods are there, but I'm now considering taking the bybees out of the monolithic. IMO there is some masking of detail and/or transparency with bybee filters and it is also additive. Perhaps 1 pair are good, but 2 are not necessarily better. Quality of AC may be important as well. I have done much to improve the quality of my power (dedicated circuits, upgraded power outlets, ps audio ultimate outlets, PS300, segregated digital and analog, power cords) and perhaps the additive effects of bybees makes things worse. My recommendation for those considering bybees is be careful, buy 1 pair at a time and listen closely as each pair is added. I believe they are best on AC ins and much less useful, perhaps harmful elsewhere. Of course your milleage may vary. Also you may want to read what others have said concerning bybees at some of the other forums.