Interconnects for tube equipment?

I've been doing a lot of reading on IC's on the threads here and elsewhere as of late. I can't seem to find a lot of info on IC's for TUBE equipment. I'm sure some IC's work better with tube gear while others work better with Solid State.
Can anyone suggest a good IC for TUBES, let's say under $300.
I will soon be the owner of a Rogue Tempest:) (Not magnum...yet)
CD player is a Jolida 601A, tube(no jokes please,haha)
Speakers are Tannoy S-10's.
Speaker cables are Wireworld Polaris III's.
No IC's but cheap free be's right now.

Thanks to everyone in advance:)
Pap, it all depends upon yr musical tastes (system synergy will come with trial of different brands). IMO, you should turn to used cables. A fast, silver cable would be my choice for tubes: the idea is, I have euphonic sound (tubes) but I need to extract absolute clarity in the bass & the upper register, & not lose one iota of speed.
In my tube days, I have used bearlabs, Nordost (SPM & Valhalla), Siltech & others to good effect.
Finally, do give some thought to the power chord; tubes can benefit from these... Enjoy!
Synergistic research makes an interconnect that would fit your system to a tee the Looking Glass Phase 1. Excellent on tube equipment.
I would definitely suggest Tice interconnects. It's two straight 14 ga solid copper cores for the (+) and one for the (-). This design gives very strong bass and clean, articulate highs. For the price George is selling them (1.5m pair @ $137.50) you can't go wrong. Someone who's very knowledgeable on cables told me the Tice gives 90% of what the Cardas Cross delivers...
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Try talking to Martin DeWulf at he has some new ones that are awesome.
