Any thoughts or experiences with DH Labs cables

DH Labs seems to be a good value for the bucks. Anyone out there had any personal experiences and comparisons to other, more well known, more expensive brands?
I don't know what your budget is and if you are planning on buying new or used. I used the BL-1's for several years and and was happy until I finally switched over to the Harmonic Tech Pro-Sliway (used here on Agon). Difference of night and day. Could not beleive the difference. If your budget will allow, I would highly recomend. - Brian
I've used the t-14 shotgun biwired to my Vandersteens and it was a good match. Pre was a BAT and power McCormack. Not nearly as good as what I replaced them with (Syn. Res.) but way cheaper.
I use their digital cables; D-75 and D-110. Gary Galo from Audio Amatuer thinks the D-110 is the best sounding 110 ohm cable he has ever used. They are a good value and highly recommended!
I'm using DH Labs speaker cables and I've been very happy with them. I haven't compared them to any other reasonably high-end cables but compared to the Monster crap I was using, they are wonderful. They have an extended high end and a tightness and focus that I was searching for. Nice shimmer in cymbals and real sounding drums yet wood instruments also sound natural in my system (Infinity Prelude MTS, Legacy Amp, MSB DAC).