Any scientific data on cable burn-in?

Someone asked me today if I knew of any scientific papers or evidence regarding cable burn-in. I am not trying to begin a flame type objectivist vs.subjectivist debate here. I have experienced improvement in sound quality on every cable I own after break-in. I just want to answer this fellows question if I can.

I understand Nordost is selling its own cable cooker. But if they really believed it works, why not just cook all their cables as part of the production process before sending them to the dealer? The per unit cost of cooking a cable would be much cheaper to the consumer than if the consumer bought a cooker. The resulting product would then have a competitive advantage against other brands. Then, if the market works, other manufacturers would produce and advertise pre-cooked cables (kind of like pre-shrunk clothing) and the consumer would not have to spend hundreds of dollars for the gadget.
This just refreshed my failing memory as to why I no longer participate is these forums and why I seldom bother to read this stuff anymore. There is no scientific basis for the high end. Period. Full Stop. That's the beauty of it: it is what you hear, or more precisely, what you can be conned into, or what you can con yourself into, believing you are hearing. Why not read up on music and study it. You will hear a lot more than wondering about ludicrous "cable cookers" and the like. Someone, somewhere must be laughing as I write...
my understanding is that after a cable is broken in and it sits for a while unused it needs to be broken in again, if this is true, then it would benefit Nordost or anycompany to pre-break in their cables since they have no idea how long a cable will sit before it is sold

Pbb, Sean had some of my cables cooked on his modified Mobie. I got them back less than a week ago and the difference is stunning. I know, because I had identical sets uncooked for comparison. Given all the Voodoo behind cables, it is a better deal to make one's interconnects and get a cooker...
I kissed 5 minutes goodbye reading the linked article. That stuff would make the Brothers Grimm jealous!