inexpensive hdcd player or dac

i am looking for an inexpensive cd player or dac with hdcd capabilities. any suggestions?

The tempo and urgency of a CAL Icon MkII can easily be increased by using the very inexpensive Homegrown Audio Super Silver analog IC's (which, though inexpensive, are great IC's anyway, IMO). Further improvement can be had by upgrading the power cord. I am now using the CAL with an outboard DAC but was very pleased with it's performance as a stand alone player. I have wondered what the HG IC's (or another detailed and fast IC) would do for the sound of the planet. Does anyone use this combination?. I agree with RedKiwi in that HDCD or the bit amount of the chip does not signify better sound. A friend of mine has an ancient (by digital standards) Marantz player (625 or 626 I think) that sounds much more musical than many of the latest tech. models. The only thing that I feel could be a problem with the CAL is that It may be too bass heavy depending on speaker type and location. Yes, that's what I said - too much bass may be a problem if you already have prominent and rumbly lows.
I agree Dekay, particularly re the bass of the Icon, but add that in a large room or one with a suspended wooden floor the enlarged bass of the Icon is a real bonus.
However, if you are still looking for an inexpensive DAC with HDCD capabilites, look at the MSB Link DAC. Although I agree with the previous posts the Link DAC is the only inexpensive DAC that I know of that is capable of playing HDCD.
While "inexpensive" is a relative concept, I'd suggest you look into a used EAD DAC, like the DPS 1000's, some of the later models had HDCD. These are often available used from $300-400. Otherwise, if you want new, I agree with the recommendations above that you should try the MSB Link Dacs or Cal Audio, both of which produce good quality for the budget conscious.
The CAL HDCD Icon Mark II Powerboss is a great stand alone player that can be purchased used in the $500 range. For $65.00 you can send it back to the factory for a cleaning and check of all outputs, money I believe well spent.