Cartridge for Rega planar 2

Ok, so maybe my last post had too specific a heading. I'm looking to replace a pretty well used up Rega Super Bias on my Planar 2/RB250. Naim Nait3 amp w/MM phono board, extremely fact and revealing speakers. I'd like to (well, have to) stay in the
Also, the TT needs a general tightening and probably a new belt. Can I do this myself? How? (I'm pretty risk averse).


I second the consideration of a Dynevector. I have a 10x4MkII (which has recently been replaced by the 10x5) on my Planar 3. It is a very nice sounding cartridge and can be picked up reasonably. While it is a high output MC, I have used it through the phono section of a Denon receiver, without any problems. Good luck with whatever you choose.
Well, you caught me. I thought the DL160 was an MM cartridge, but it is a high output MC.

Since your dealer seems to think the Nait 3 will take the high output MC cartridges, and 2juki has the Dynavector for $215, I think that is a good choice. The DL160 is also a good cartridge that many like. I guess I should have said that I prefer the DL103 series low output MC line in the Denon brand best.

About the 1006, it is about the bottom of the useable Goldring lineup. Not bad, but not as good as the others.
I took TWL's suggestion a while back on a Goldring 1042 and love it. There happens to be a brand new 1042 for sale in the cartridge section right now for $185 which appears to fit your budget. The seller has it listed with several other carts available, but does say Goldring in the heading.
Well then. Looks like I am headed for either Goldring 1042, if still available at $185, or Dynavector 10x5 at $215 -- with Denon DL160 still in the running. I'll sleep on it, and hope for a bit more advice that'll clinch it -- advice of any kind: sonic, set up, MM vs. MC, reliability, karma.

Two things: smooth sonics would be a big plus -- I like to listen a bit loud, have very fast speakers, and fatigue can be a problem. PRAT is of the utmost importance too. Does that help point the way?

There is a review of the Denon on this site--and I think the reviewer used a Rega P2. You might look at that.