For a grand, it is a good deal.
It has some good things going for it. Like a DC motor system that seems to be pretty good. It has a moderately thick platter that is not too flimsy. Pretty decent layout of the design.
It has some other things that aren't all that great. Overall light weight and acrylic construction. Platter not really thick enough or heavy enough. Very little mass in the "plinth" which is just a basic T-shape.
When comparing with the lowest model Teres 135, which shares some common aspects with this Othello, but costs about $1500, the Teres has a marked advantage in certain design aspects. The Teres has a much better bearing structure, much heavier and thicker platter and plinth, the same Swiss-made kind of DC motor, a better motor controller, even better layout design, and a record clamp.
The platter alone on the Teres weighs as much as the complete Othello system. But they both use an acrylic construction, which I consider inferior to the heavy Cocobolo/lead-shot loaded construction of the higher model Teres TTs. I have done some comparisons, and acrylic loses in those comparisons.
Overall, for the money, I think that it has the right stuff at about $1k, and I doubt you'll beat it for that amount. When moving up to $1500, then we have a different story.
It has some good things going for it. Like a DC motor system that seems to be pretty good. It has a moderately thick platter that is not too flimsy. Pretty decent layout of the design.
It has some other things that aren't all that great. Overall light weight and acrylic construction. Platter not really thick enough or heavy enough. Very little mass in the "plinth" which is just a basic T-shape.
When comparing with the lowest model Teres 135, which shares some common aspects with this Othello, but costs about $1500, the Teres has a marked advantage in certain design aspects. The Teres has a much better bearing structure, much heavier and thicker platter and plinth, the same Swiss-made kind of DC motor, a better motor controller, even better layout design, and a record clamp.
The platter alone on the Teres weighs as much as the complete Othello system. But they both use an acrylic construction, which I consider inferior to the heavy Cocobolo/lead-shot loaded construction of the higher model Teres TTs. I have done some comparisons, and acrylic loses in those comparisons.
Overall, for the money, I think that it has the right stuff at about $1k, and I doubt you'll beat it for that amount. When moving up to $1500, then we have a different story.