Analog under 2k?

OK, I sm just getting started putting together a new vinyl system. I started with an Audio Note Soro SE Phono, Audio Note Speakers, and all silver cabling. Now I need to get a new table. I thought it would be blasphemy to hook up the old Fisher Studio Standard to this combo, so I'm sitting here with a Music Hall cd player and no TT. I would like to keep an MM setup. If I (all of you) think there will be a real advantage to going to an MC setup, I will. Don't worry about phono pre though, I have access to an EAR 843P.

Well, let the recommendations begin!
Jphii, I think that is an excellent choice. If you have woodworking ability, it is very affordable and effective to make your own base assembly for a Teres. Many of the original Teres owners did just that, because it was originally available only as a kit, without base.

If you are going to make the wood platter, check with Chris for details on how he makes his. Stability is a big factor on this wood platter, and he has done some major research on this subject. I'm sure he'll help you out.
Well, here we go again.... Chris has a TT with Lead/Acrylic base & platter for $2000. How much sonic difference is there between this base and the wood?

Jphii, as a Teres owner who "cheated" and just bought one, I admire your spirit. Go for it. The worst that could happen is you'll have trouble making a platter. If that happens you could just order one later. Keep us posted on your progress.
Chris will tell you to get the one with the wood base with the lead shot loading, if you ask him. It is well known in the Teres circles that the acrylic is not the material of choice, but is acceptable for the lower cost table. I would expect that at some point, these acrylic-plinth tables will eventually be discontinued. Just my guess on that, nothing official.

I understand your interest and your desire to study, but the bottom line is that we know about this stuff, and have tried both types, and also know others that have. We are trying to help you out. Get the wood.
OK. Heres an update of where I'm at.

1. Replaced Music Hall with an Audio Note CD2 & changed to Audio Note AN-L cables.

2. Can't find ANY TT I like on the used market to use for now. See #3

3. Bought about $1000 worth of MSFL's

4. Said to myself "Self, you could have been halfway to a Teres rig if you did things in the right order"

5. Been paying close attention to the threads here.

6. My buddy who was going to let me use the EAR phono stage sold it yesterday (dirty*&%^$@%$$)

7. Finally said the hell with it, call CB FIRST THING ON MONDAY!!!!!

So, instead of my usual procrastination, I WILL call CB. I am going to go with the cheapest model for now, and build my own base while I learn to enjoy vinyl once again. I'm a sucker for a kit! After I build the base, I am going to try to do a platter. BUT, as anyone who works with wood will tell you, it will be VERY HARD to make it true. This is going to be the "fun" part.

As I said earlier, I do know my way around wood. The base should be a pice of cake, and I'll probably make it more along the lines of the 340. The only TT I've ever seen that even comes close in looks it the Anna Log. The 340 is just drop dead gorgeous (my wife already thinks I'm a nutcase with my "renewed audio interest" please don't tell her I said this!). I've already been looking for wood and I'm trying to figure out how it would look in purpleheart....

If I can do it, I think I will have to join the Brady Bunch!!

I put my system up here:

Other than going with the base model Teres, I am pretty much going to follow Tom's (unpaid) advice (see, I have been reading the threads!). SO, if anyone knows of an arm for sale, please email me. Might as well get it now. I am going to go with the Denon cart for the initial setup, but need a little advice on the phono stage. Losing that EAR didn't help at all.

Well, I'll keep all informed as things start coming together.
