Anyone try the new J A Michell Rega Counterweight/

I just installed this on my P25 RB600 tonearm and what a difference. I was looking at the ClearAudio and the Express Machining counterweight replacements, but the JA Michell was unique in design so I thought I'd try it. I can't make a comparison with the other brands but the design and build quality of the JA Michell tells me I made the right choice. I really recommend that any REGA TT owners seriously look at this. I immediately noticed a more deeper defined bass and a much more detailed presentation as well as the sound stage is much wider than before.
Also a not so well known company makes a REGA counterweight. The company is VSE, there site is, I am thinking about ordering this counterweight for my arm, he claims the lowest center of gravity on the market. The "Wedge" goes for $89.
I don't like the counterwight. It made sound hard and dull.
My P25 was better without it, the sound was more open and
Does anybody know if this Michell upgrade will work with Origin Live tonearms, say the Silver 250?
Well, I'm over 14 years late to this party, but . . .

I have a Rega P9 with RB1000 arm and am considering upgrading the stock counterweight to the Michell  I play records with the dust cover closed, and my question is:  with the dust cover down, is there sufficient clearance for the Michell counterweight?  I would guess there is, but it doesn't hurt to ask beforehand.