Calling all analog experts

Currently I'm using the entry level MMF 5 with stock goldring cartridge. Recently listened to some high end Avid and Basis tables and now feel analogically impotent. VPI, Linn, Teres, Clearaudio and Basis are all products that I'd consider. Cartridges and tonearms I don't really know much about. Like anyone I'd like to get the biggest bang for the buck and have no problem buying used . Please suggest a strategy. Other components include:

ARC LS16 MK2 preamp
Cary 306 cdp
ayre v5-x amp
Revel ultima studios
phonomenon phonostage.


I have a Teres 265 that I set up by myself. Before that I had only owned a $100 Denon record player and the Clearaudio Champion, which my dealer set up.
The Teres was very easy to put together. From a beginners standpoint, know what arm you are going to use and see if Chris Brady wont drill the holes for you. I felt very uneasy about doing it myself and would have paid an expert to have done it for me if I could have.
For setting up the cartridge go to the website for Wally Malewicz, that is "". Click on Wallys Analog corner and download all of his instructions. Then call him up. He will let you know what minimum tools you need and will walk you through the cartridge set up, step by step. He is truely one of the Audio Goodguys.
Agree with Agaffer. The Teres was my first serious TT, and was easy to set up. Not many steps, just follow the instructions.

Also agree that you should decide which arm you're going to use before ordering the TT (any TT). In the case of Teres, Chris will pre-drill the armboard to suit. Most other serious manufacturers would do the same.
Thanks for the tips Agaffer. I just downloaded & printed all of Wally's stuff.