My impression of VPI Scout

I'd like share my impression of VPI Scout player.
I have been looking for a new TT in $1000...1500 range.
Rega P25 and Scout are on my list of contenders.
I was able to audition VPI Scout and Rega P3 tables pretty much in very similar systems. P25 was not available.
I was very obvious that Scout is more neutral and extended on both freq. extremes. Low end was better delineated and rich. I'd say that it also had better, deeper and wider soundstage. Rega sounded more uptight with more confused soundstage. Interesting part was that Rega had more speed and rhythm then scout. I have listened to some rhythmic jazz and Rega always had more drive and better pace. For some reason Scout was too polite and smooth to express ups and downs of musical dance. I was expecting more of PRAT from Scout. I don't know if this was a poor system setup issue of something else.
I'd love to hear from Scout owners (or audio gurus) if you think Scout is more rhythmic player then Rega P25 or P3.
Any comments will be much appreciated.


PS: I think, Scout had one of Benz Micro Cartridges ( It had M2 written on it ) and Rega had usual Elyse.
Kinda comparing apples and oranges. You need the same system and same cartridge on each so a determination can be made on each turntables characteristics reguarding the individual sound. Otherwise, you don't know what you're hearing---cartridge difference, amp, preamp or what.
The Rega was played through all McCormack ss electronics and B&W Nautilus 803 speakers. Scout system used all AR tube electronics and the same 803 speakers. I understand that there are differences due to electronics involved.
I would like to find the answeat to followin question:
I'm looking for a TT that has smooth and extended sound but with a bite, meaning when music calls for it , TT would deliver the sharp and clear edge.
As I undersand Rega P25 is capable of delivering this "edge". I would like to know if Scout can do it too. Can it sound open and fast ?