Very frustrated with Electraglide - Poor service

Having one heck of a time with Scott Hall at Electraglide. I sent him 2 Power cables back in November 2001 to be Upgraded and so far only got one back!! I have sent him multiple e-mails and recently call him and each time he promised to send it and again nothing!!! He sound like a nice guy on the phone but maybe his people/shipping need to be improved.

Anyone with any suggestions, i paid him $600 in advance 6 months ago and i am trying to be patient but 6 months for a Power Cord upgraded is getting RIDICULOUS!!!

I can complaint to BBB and i did paid with Post office Money Order and have all the e-mail correspondence!!
I personally have had very poor customer service myself from quite a few "smaller" manufacturers over the years! I hope you get it straightened out.
I got similar service from Audible Illusions a few years back, when they had my money for about the same amount of time! Now, I'm pressently dealing with a smaller speaker manufacturer, which I sent almost $2k to about 2 months ago, and I'm still waiting to get my product back from them.
Good luck to you....keep us posted as to if you ever get it settled. I'll also keep people posted as to my scenario, and will divulge names and companies if mine goes into extra, unneccessary, innings as well! ...Bad mom-and-pop companies, bad!...
William Scott Hall gave me a bad check (still on file)of $2275 for a COD payment in 1997. He paid me back with a broken Sony DTC-75 DAT machine and one power cord (totaling $700)in 1998. I never received a dime from him since. He still owes me $1575. He told me he'll pay me off as soon as his Electraglide business takes off. I even at one point would take cords as payment but he never did anything. I had over ten other victims by him contacted me at the time when the story (originated by someone else) came out in 1997.
Anyone have doubt about my story should check with the Charleston (SC)TV Channel 2 (or maybe it was Ch.4)Action News crew. They did a story on him and his then Satellite business. I have more details if needed.
There are some reputable firms out there. I'm sure you saw the recent post for "Kora". Recently I put a favorable post for "Thiel" which solicitated favorable comments about "Conrad-Johnson" and others. Interestingly enough these posts seem to draw consistent confirmation with nary a counter complaint.I understand that many of us would like to sponsor an emerging firm with promising products, but we may be shooting ourselves in the foot if these new firms have neither the financial resources or business acumen to survive in what is at this time a rather mature industry. This forumn is excellent opportunity to reward the honest, capable firms and weed out the misfits. Thank you for doing your part in supporting our community.
I have also left numerous emails to have my interconnects upgraded and I HAVE NEVER RECEIVED ONE RETURN REPLEY.
Recently purchased a brand new Fatman K power cord.He overcharged me by $12.50 since he wanted the payment sent overnight. Of course there was a glitch and he got my money order several days later. He was hopping mad but it was a USPS error. He did refund my $12.50 back as promised.I find him to be very tempermental and needs to be handled with kid gloves.Sometimes he responds to e-mails and other times he doesn't.You figure? Steve