Transport Help

Now I've done it. I went and picked a used Aragon D2A which has imporved the sound but now I'm told my Rotel 970 is not the best as a transport. So now I'm looking for a good used transport for around $500. Any recommendations? Is there a difference in newer technology? Should a guy strech the budget to get something that much better? Any help is appreciated.
the rotel 970 has a phillips cdm-9(?) transport which is supposed to be very good, so it should work fine, no need to upgrade unless you can here a real difference
I agree the CDM-9 transport on the 970BX was excellent in its day, so the rumor your heard should be ignored. The Studio quality all metal transport on the Rotel RCD-990 was the same basic design, with aluminum instead of plastic tray, etc, etc.
The audio note dac zero could be considered. I have heard some very good things about it in it's price range. You should be able to get a used/demo for around $500
For $500 check out the Theta Data or the Monarchy DT40. These are universal transports (play various sizes of CD's and LD's) and work extremely well. Both are based on high end Japanese players (Sony and Phillips, Japan) that were re-worked by their respective "manufacturers". Note that both are large, heavy pieces.