Wadia with or without a preamp ?

Technical and Subjective experience and impressions.
I run a Wadia 860x direct to tube amps with Dunlavy speakers. I have not really tried a preamp much with the Wadia. I did try an Adacom GFP 750, and I liked it better with the Wadia direct. In my system the Wadia is far from bright, I would even say that it leans toward the laid back side of things. I don't really notice that the volume setting affects audio quality either. I don't usually ever play with it less than 50. If you have a preamp try it before you sell it. It seems like the guys who think that Wadia direct is bad either have solid state amps and a tube preamp or a big dollar preamp.
Well my turn. I had a 850 direct into a Bat vk200. Great. Then bought a vk50se preamp. Much better. Not cost effective, but nothing is in the hobby!
I have run my Wadia 830 direct and I have found the music to sound thin. Disks sound better, in my opinion, when run through a decent additional stage in my system which is based on a tube preamplifier and a tube amplifier. While I am sure that theoretically I am sacraficing detail, I feel that I am gaining musicality.
I was afraid of what I would hear when I hooked my 861 directly to a Levinson amp because of the large investment made in a great tube preamp. Hooked up directly through Transparent Ultra balanced cables it has great transparency and depth but it lacks warmth. The digital volume works great and didn't seem to lose anything when kept at 80% or more. I lost very little if any image quality but gained musicality when I ran it through a preamp. Vocals and pianos gained warmth and the base seemed better as well. Experiment to see what works best for you.
I have the Wadia 861 Direct to my Pass x350. With nunlavys 4 a,s. Sometimes the sound amazes me, Yes at above 70 is when it sounds it,s best .I agree at lower levels it lost some transparency.I aqm running SG designers ref. active sheilding balanced.I have wondered on a pre. and talked to STEVE Huntley on the matter,for me,The 2000.00 on a Full Ref. upgrade would yeild better sonics overall and is cheaper than a high end pre.
Iam glad someone brought up this topic, i wonder all the time how a audio research ref.Mk 2 would sound.Both steve Huntley and Denny at Audio Video Logic,Have said the Ref MK2 would be a great Match with my sysatem.
Tuff choice funds are tight now.