Good power/Bad Power

What are the causes, symptoms of bad power? I'd rather use a simple surge protection hospital grade strip rather than a power conditioner if my power is clean. How can I determine this (short of trying a multitude of gear over a long time)--is there a test for clean power? Is there a more or less likelihood of it (given my environment--1960's neighborhood in the 15th largest city in the US, FWIW)?

My system is low-budget (NAD C320BEE, Dynaudio 1.3 MkII, REL sub, plus CD/TT/Tuner--and, in the last week I've swung from power condtioners (OneAc, Powervar, etc) to strips (TrippLite, Wiremold, etc.) so I won't be getting anything
well into 3 figures or higher.

Thanks, folks.
I was advised by Almarg to use a voltmeter to check and see if and how much my power varies from an earlier thread. It turned out my power never really varied by more than 1v all day long.

I would think this consistency would indicate pretty good power straight from the wall socket (I live in an apartment in the San Fernando Valley). I just use a Brickwall surge protector and everything seems fine.

The only time I tried a power conditioner was a long time ago and it constricted the soundstage and dynamics (I forget the make but it wasn't expensive).

From what I've read here, and elsewhere, only you will know if something works for your system. You should be able to get a loaner from some of the vendors out there to see if anything makes a difference. You'll only have the cost of shipping it back if it doesn't work.

All the best,
I like Elizabeth's lite bulb trick. But I think you need surge protection as you have mentioned and it should be hospital or professional grade. There are strips that provide RFI and EMI filtering which is important. I have very steady line voltage and I use a Furman SS-6B Steel Power Strip to my amp.
Elizabeth, your comment about dimming the lights takes me back to when I had a heftier system in the 70s--in one house I in which I lived the lights would dim whenever I switched on my power amp (McIntosh 2300).
When I bought this system I installed an upgraded outlet system for the sound system. I use one plug for the integrated amp and the other for a strip with the rest of the stuff (I wish I had another dedicated plug for the sub, but so it goes).

I'm leaning towards a strip that's consistent in price with the rest of the system (unless someone can convince me that I need to worry about dirty lines).

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to respond. This helps a lot.