Valhalla vs. HMS vs Jena Labs vs. Shunyata Phoeni

Given the approximate street prices for the following speaker cables are as follows: Vahalla 4000 HMS 1200 Jena Labs Pathfinder 5000 Shunyate Phoenix 2000 Which cable would you recommend. My system is Talon Khorus X MK11 speakers, Tenor OTL monoblocks, Audio Aero cdp, and Edge Pre. What is the best overall cable and seperately what is the best value?
You should stick the Xindak FS-01 and FS-02 in addition to the Supra Sword speaker cables to demo. Each of these is below the $1k price point for 2M (except the FS-02 which is a bit more than $1k). In terms of sheer value each of these cables are very tough to beat.

Personally, I think you would be spinning your wheels spending upwards of $4k-$5k on speaker cables. It has been my experience at the end of the day, in a system that is truly reference in every component, cable, and cord, speaker cables make the LEAST amount of difference. A reference system can sound still absolutely amazing with speaker cable that is not quite up to par with other reference gear. Try sticking a sub-standard AC cord in a reference system, sound can go straight to hell in a handbasket.

Before spending $4k-5k on speaker cables, I would look at getting a seperate DAC. The Capitole is a great one box player, but getting the right DAC in your system (for say $2k-5k) would totally blow the Capitole away. It would be a much bigger gain in digital sound quality than moving from say even the Xindak FS-01 speaker cable to the Jena Pathfinder in your current system.

Remember, if the information (in the signal) is not there once it gets to the speaker cable, no matter how good of speaker cable it is, it is not going to add that information and make it better.

KF- Have you auditioned the Jena labs speaker cables yet? I know you love there interconnects but it seems hard to recommend other cables if you haven't listened yet.
Tireguy, I am not recommending any one speaker cable. I am recommending considering other areas of upgrade first(i.e. DAC) before spending upwards of $4k-5k on speaker cables. I am also recommending some less expensive speaker cables that have a good shot at competing with the above SCs.

No I have not tried any Jena speaker cables.

I had a brief session with the Valhallas and HMS Grand Finale (Revel Salons driven by ML monos) and I preferred the HMS by a small margin. They seemed to be as fast as the Nordost but had sort of more organic and polite character. Not a huge difference but in in this particular system the HMS were just a little more involving. The Valhallas might be better suited to a richer and more mellow system.

The HMS allow you to choose several different impedance settings. All my auditioning was done with the neutral setting so I can't say whether different settings would make a difference.