best cd player for 2500- 3500

I am looking to get a really nice player. I was considering the krell kav 280. does anybody have any suggestions for me? thanks for your help.
i agree with jman, the bow zz8 is the best 1 box player ive found so far, plus its fun to load cd like you would a turntable
I'd say Sim Audio Eclipse. I really love mine, and you can't beat the value of the Canadian dollar! ...If I had to pick something else I'd up my budget and get an Accuphase DP75v. If used is where you're looking then that Levinson 39 certainly isn't any slouch for the $.
thanks for all of the input but I want to spend $2500- 3500 on a new player . but what is the deal with the bow tech wizard vs the zz8?
I have the MUSE 9 signature and I think with a little discount you vill get it for 3500 new,It had the ´most fantastic sound i have ever heard from a`CDP and it beat Wadia 860x in my system and its in the same league as the Ayre DVD-1 at 9000$. And as bonus you can play DVDs and 24.96 DADs.
IMHO, my choice would be Cary 303 ($3000) or Cary 306 ($5000). You can find either of these new for far less than list prices shown and both are awesome and musical.

I auditioned Levinson No.39 and although its a nice player it didn't do it for me. Besides, the No.39 digital internals are a bit dated so thats why Levinson finally came out with the No.390s to replace the original No.39. You'll see more No.39 players showing up on the secondary market and prices should start to soften slightly if you're looking for one.