Your vote - BEST CD PLAYER in the world??

OK- time to have some fun!- rules of this game are:

1. You must own one of the units listed (or added)
2. No transport/dac combos allowed (only one-box players- excluding separate power supplies of course which are OK)
3. External upsamplers allowed (to level the playing field, as a couple of the units I list below do up/over sample to 24/192).
4. Retail cost to not exceed $11k U.S.
5. No internally 'modded' units allowed (factory setup only)

The Contenders (feel free to add to the list):

Accuphase DP-75V
Resolution Audio CD-55
Auio Aero Capitole 24/192
Sim Audio Moon Eclipse (w DCS Purcell upsampler)- my current reference player
New Cary CD-306? (perhaps not quite in same league as others above, but somewhat close so we'll add it in the mix!)
Meridian 508-24 ('old-school', but I know if I don't list it, someone else will!)

Let the games begin! (add some comments too)
BOW ZZ8, i've had audio research,bat & others,but none of the upsamplers.great bass no gritty highs & mids as good as the bat.dynamics to dye for, happy listening.
Well, I'm sure there are probably better, but the used Audio Research CD-2 that I picked under 2K sounds fabulous in my system. I think it's perched at that point of deminishing returns, that is you can spend a whole bunch more but get very little more for your expenditure.
Linn Ikemi (since I can't list the CD12, which is over your price limit and my budget). For the standard Linn reasons: musical, non-fatigueing, detailed, rythymically right. Ease, air, and pace that should be heard to be appreciated.

Could you explain "pace" for me? I've seen people use that word, as well as 'rhythm' in descriptions of sound, and just dont get it. Maybe I havnt spent enough $ yet. Thanks, Jay