Your vote - BEST CD PLAYER in the world??

OK- time to have some fun!- rules of this game are:

1. You must own one of the units listed (or added)
2. No transport/dac combos allowed (only one-box players- excluding separate power supplies of course which are OK)
3. External upsamplers allowed (to level the playing field, as a couple of the units I list below do up/over sample to 24/192).
4. Retail cost to not exceed $11k U.S.
5. No internally 'modded' units allowed (factory setup only)

The Contenders (feel free to add to the list):

Accuphase DP-75V
Resolution Audio CD-55
Auio Aero Capitole 24/192
Sim Audio Moon Eclipse (w DCS Purcell upsampler)- my current reference player
New Cary CD-306? (perhaps not quite in same league as others above, but somewhat close so we'll add it in the mix!)
Meridian 508-24 ('old-school', but I know if I don't list it, someone else will!)

Let the games begin! (add some comments too)
IMHO, best in the world is relative to one's ears. I've heard some on your list, however I still have my BAT VKD5.
Nothing has sounded as realistic to me on my system, YMMV!
Is the BAT the best in the world, I don't know, however in my world, today it's the best!

I vote for the new YBA delta 1-CD player. I own the Delta 2-cd player which is a half a step down from the 1-CD player.
The 2-CD player is a very musical and sounds is very relaxed with no digital glare.
Very detailed and smooth top to bottem.
I have hear more dynamic players, put they often miss the inner detail. This CD player will put a smile on your face you will not be able to take off.
BOW ZZ8, i've had audio research,bat & others,but none of the upsamplers.great bass no gritty highs & mids as good as the bat.dynamics to dye for, happy listening.
Well, I'm sure there are probably better, but the used Audio Research CD-2 that I picked under 2K sounds fabulous in my system. I think it's perched at that point of deminishing returns, that is you can spend a whole bunch more but get very little more for your expenditure.