Becker and Fagen on Recording EMG in Analog

Below is an interesting link which will direct you to an recent interview of Donald Fagen and Walter Becker. Among other things, they speak of how and why their latest LP, "Everything Must Go", was laid down in analog. They went FORWARD, not back, to analog, sez Becker. Analog is the future, sez Fagen.

My hope is that this will result in other artists following their always trend setteing recording ways. I would have asked them, though, why was not the vinyl released in the UNITED STATES? Then I would not have had to pay 18 quid plus shipping from the UK! :-0
Bless their hearts, they condemned hi rez, multi-channel too. I found their comments regarding pianos very interesting as my ears have told me the same things at live events where different musicians played the same piano. Wow, I sure hope they aren't running out of time. Long live the Dan!
The tracking was done to multitrack analog tape, but the editing and
mixing was done digitally on ProTools. Also, Becker and Fagen have
been known not to be completely "honest" in their interviews. They like
to play jokes.
Too bad that song-wise it's such a crappy album. These guys used to rock; now it's all this sticky-sweet pop jazz. I almost expect them to start doing Christmas-season tours with Manhattan Transfer.