Tubed CD Player

I would be interested in hearing from any one with experience with and suggestions for tubed cd players
I have a ARC CD1 with an ARC has 3 6922 tubes...can sound very nice...this combo was about 7k new and can be had rather inexpensively on this very site.
I am an analog guy...but not anti-digital like some on this site...I am willing to keep my ears and my mind open. I think tubes definately take some of the metallic edge off of the silver disc. The CD1 also has an excellent internal convertor and is a bargain used.
tube cd player under $1000 the AH and the jolida jd100
are good choice. Even with upsampler of AH, I prefer
the jolida the performers are in the room.I own a
AH 4000 with upsampler, I like the jolida so natural.
If you find use, grab it, it is a bargain.
I forgot to tell you, After one year the AH I have,
start skipping or the laser not able to read cd's,
Its kind a frustrating, I took care of this cd
carefully, I did not expect this cd to have a
problem for only one year. Well maybe the laser
is defective who knows.Just thought this is a
good information everyone should know, hard earn
dollars should be spend wisely.
Audio Note 2.1 cd player is a wonderfully musical one box player. I heard this piece today in a system I am very familiar with. Great staging smooth and extended highs bass that was deep taut and tuneful, never slow or blurred. This player took another leap forward when placed upon a Sistrum platform and powercord replaced by the broadband Sonoran Signature. $1600 American dollars may buy this great value player. Maybe a steal!
Another vote for the Audio Capitole Mark II. Buy it used on A'gon. If you don't like it, sell it at no loss.

You won't sell it. You will be saying:

"Another vote for the Audio Aero..."