i agree w/yer gigo theory - it's yust that, w/cd, i tink the 95% level of the best of what's out there, starts at ~$500, and the *best* of what's out there is still behind good winyl. believe me, i *wanted* someting like a res/audio cd50 to make a big difference in my system's sound - i'd have bought a used one, or someting similar, if it helped. but, mebbe i *am* tone-deaf, as ewe say - i yust happen to tink it's my nice toobed preamp. ;~)
and gregg, sorry ewe don't like my funky-jive - it's only cuz i like to have fun w/language that i do it, it has nuttin' to do w/tryin' to get *any* type of response. i have no pre-supposed accepted audio accumen, nor am i looking for any pre-determined acceptance of my posts. all i am is someone who likes to listen to music, interested in bettering the experience, & interested in discussing what i've heard w/others also interested in a better listening experience. sometimes, i agree w/other info here, sometimes not. sometimes i try tings suggested here, sometimes not. some folks style i like, others not. oh *well*...
re: the topic at hand - being as the pursuit of this hobby is, in many cases, influenced by budgetary considerations, i'd rather listen to a $500 cd-player thru a $4500 preamp than a $2500 cd player thru a $2500 preamp, or a $5k cd-player run straight into an amp, etc. yust my opinion, ewe & anyone else are free to disagree w/me, & please do so, & post yer experiences, equipment inwolved, etc. i'm always up for learning, & improving the sound of my stereo...
doug *tone-deaf, pre-supposed audio-guru* sedon