Compare: Basis Debut, VPI TNT, top Teres tables

Having modded my vintage Empire in as thoughtful and creative a manner as I could generate (and probably not done), I am now absolutely sold on vinyl and want to begin learning more about some of "the best" tables, though I'm not strongly interested in the very, very highly priced (you know, $25K and up) front ends. Had I 5-10K in pocket and one day to decide, well, I really like the Basis Debut. However, seeing this as the one forum where folks appear to converse honorably, seeking best considerations of what's true and recognizing mere argumentativeness for what it is, I thought I'd pose this question here as a way to start learning more. The tables I've named may even be inappropriate, but if so that's okay w/ me. I - yes, I - don't want BS, so I EXPECT others to gently inform me if I'm using any. That said, can those among the informed compare/contrast the tables I've named, or others in the same league? Many thanks!

well, for what its worth Mr. Kondo of Audio Note Japan has assembled some very expensive, did i say very expensive systems for international clients, and in his cost no object systems, he uses the Simon Yorke S7 turntable and tone arm. That is the same one that Michael Fremers has as his reference turntable. While there will be a lot different opinions posted, it is in Kondo-san's ears, i trust.
I have been waiting for feedback on this Subject,I can`t believe no one have a opinion about these Tables
I think, there are no more ideas. Everyxthing about tables was written, some search and you will find lots of info. Personally I think the Basis is one of the better ones, the musical reproduction is right, quality is excellent and it works always.
Some time ago I wrote a small comment about a teres table, compared to a Basis ( "...not on par with Basis "), then I got a answer that I am not a nice guy, that there are negative things known about me and more things in that direction. I asked the writer, what he knowns about me, he answered, he knows nothing about me ...
I think based on that direction, that the Teres Table is pushed here in the Forum, personally I don't care, but being a bit critical is recommended.
The VPI TNT is a nice table, it is a good one, but the Basis is a class of it's own, and here you have the Vacuum option. BTW, the smaller 2500 is excellent.

I compared the Debut to a Simon Yorke 7. They are on par and I did like the Basis more ( much more multifarious with arms ), so I bought it. The simon yorke should have a Vibraplane and I was not that mad about it.

I wanted it simple, reliable and honest.