Anyone tried Kharma cable,suppose to be the best ?

i am trying to decide what kind of cable i want with the
lamm gear and a dealer told me that the most neutral cable
and the best overall cable was kharme grand reference.
i am curantly using nbs cable and i am very happy with
the sound.has anyone tried them or heard them?
Hi Fi farm, you bet I will! Come see me and my cables at the CES and we will do a blind shoot-out.
Tireguy, what is wrong with my post? If another dealer(Hi Fi Farm)can tell that the cables he sells bettered a competitor's product, without drawing any criticism from your side, but if I do the same and draw your immediate cynism ,something must be wrong with my post. Please enlighten me here, so I can learn from my mistakes. -eyeroll-
Hey, somebody bring out the peter meter, its time we got this thing settled once and for all.

Between Gran Finale and Grand Reference there is sure plenty of room for a Grand Enigma and I ain't talking about cables either.

Tekunda- Have you ever heard the Kharma Grand Reference? If you haven't(more then likely by the sound of your post) your statement has NO relevance here in this thread. On the flip side of this coin Hifi Farm Has heard the cables and made a comment based on what he HAS heard and not assumed. Good day.