Bobby, having owned the Golden Cross myself I would suggest trying it in different positions in the chain. It's a great cable with distinct qualities and you'll never know which placement you'll prefer until you try it.
Interestingly, a friend of mine tried my Golden Cross as his digital cable and really liked the results. That demonstrates that you shouldn't rule out even what might seem like a goofy idea beforehand.
Although what Ingvar and Herman suggested may have sounded rude to you, I was expecting someone to respond in that manner since your original post didn't state both cables weren't already in your possession. I'm just sorry those were among your first responses.
That being said, I too tend to follow the method of placing the better or more revealing cables closer in the chain to the source. I'm not suggesting that more revealing is better, but I do prefer to do less coloring at the beginning of the cable chain and introduce warmth or whatever coloring I'm aiming towards further down the signal path if desired.
For example, I am using an all Acoustic Zen cable configuration with an MC2 between transport and DAC, Silver Reference II between DAC and preamp and Matrix Reference between preamp and amp. I did this on the advice of many other AZ owners in these forums who combine these cables and have found it yields a very nice balance of detail and warmth.
Experiment and listen. And just because some answers rubbed you the wrong way don't let that inhibit your forethought or asking questions here in the future. No one knows everything and I've learned to expose my own ignorance and accept all responses to my often obviously goofy queries.
Good luck!