Bel Canto 1.1 - Convince Me.

What are the sonic differences between the 1.0 and 1.1 version of the Bel Canto DAC? I have been using the 1.0 for a while now and am wondering if I would like the sound of the 1.1 more. I have heard that the upgrade is around $150 and would like to confirm this as well. I realize that I could just call Chad at BC for this info, but am really interested in user's (such as myself) opinions.
Gunbei: Very good advice, and I second it. I did not find the 1.0 version lacking in dynamics once I replaced the stock power cord (first with a Harmonic Tech Pro 11 and then later with a BMI Whale Elite) and also after I stopped resting it (on its stock feet) on an MDF shelf (as recommended by a pro reviewer of the unit) as this muddied up the sound. I did not mention it in my review above, but I have also auditioned the 1.1 version with a Musical Fidelity X-A1 integrated solid state amp (I use both the SET and this amp on everything that I audition although the SET's main use is in the living room system where the BC DAC resides as well. This particular MF amp is warmer sounding than the newer models and when kept running at 3-5 watts it runs in Class A. I did not get digital glare with this setup either, but once again this is not what I would call a high definition solid state amplifier, such as the Bryston sound for example and from what I have read your Sim also has an extremely detailed sound. If you want to reduce the HF's a bit on the DAC 1.1, resting it on a couple of Vibrapods with a small amount of top weighting will do the trick (no cones, just Vibrapods between it and the shelf and approx. 8 oz. of top weight). I do not have enough Neuance shelves for all of my equipment and am still playing around with this on the DAC (which is on one of the stock shelves in the equipment rack). I have mine on Pods and cones again, but did notice that this other setup killed some of the HF's which may be beneficial in some systems.
Dekay, I've tried a few iso-tweaks with my DAC 1.1.

I tried placing some #3 Black Diamond Racing Cones beneath the DAC with little perceptible results. I bought a BrightStar Little Rock [approx. 8" x 12"] to try out on top of some of my gear. It seemed to deaden the overall sound in most instances, especially the Sim Audio. My guess is that it overdampened the chassis removing all the air[reverb] that I like. Right now the Little BrightStar is UNDER the Bel Canto. I like this. It seemed to have smoothed the sound a bit and only deadened the air slightly. I have one little Clearview HeavyHat weight on the DAC. I'm not sure if I hear anything different, but it's more peace of mind.

I'm thinking of changing out the shelves on my Target Beta rack to 3/4" birch plywood or MDF. I'm gonna try only one shelf at a time, probably on the DAC first and see what happens. I'll give the Vibrapods a try as they're pretty cheap too. What are the Neuance Shelves? I've never heard of these.

I've been trying isolation tweaks with the BC DAC and other equipment as well, but that's probably more appropriate for a thread on isolation tweaks. :)
Gunbei: Do a search under Neuance and you will find my recent review of the shelving. You might want to consider one for the new Theta, for a start (if it can be placed on the top shelf of your rack). Does the top shelf rest on upturned spikes as I am pretty sure that this is the best support for the shelving (and is what I use)? Funny, I don't ordinarily top weight anything either, for the same reason (it kills harmonics). I have not tried the DAC on the Neuance as I only have two shelves at this time for the amp and player/transport. Try placing the DAC on a mouse pad and see what it does to the HF's. This is not the same sound as the Vibrapods, but will give you a good idea of what a soft footer does to the HF's.
Thanks for all the info, gentleman. I think I will sit on my regular ol' DAC1 for a bit longer. I sure hope you might try the DVD and toslink combo sometime with your DAC1's, just for fun. I'm happy as a pig in slop. [:)] Charlie

p.s. David, I am so glad you like that Anglican super cd of Cantate Domino. It's a top ten of mine, for sure.