Here's a fun cable question...............

Lets say for fantasy sake, someone dropped $30,000 in your lap, told you you could use it to construct the system of your dreams. The only condition was that all your cables had to be purchased from Radio Shack, except for one. The fantasy man would also pay for this cable, so money would be no object.You could choose 1 cable from any manufacturer of any type.It could be a PC, interconnect, speaker cable , digital cable, whatever. What cable would you choose?
I would have given a different answer several years ago.
But mine would be a PC. Not sure which one though, as Im still auditioning.
Speaker cables, then I'd sell the $30,000 "free system" and buy the rest of the Valhallas I need.
I'd ask the cable buy to get me a pair of 1awg platinum speaker cables, a 1000000000 mile run. Then I'd melt it down and sell the damn thing for a profit.
The mystery man is Tony Soprano. Good one on the balanced interconnects, I don't believe they sell them. Yikes, I would not want to use their power cords.