Why no analogue at Audioreview.com ???

While I prefer Audiogon as an overall forum for it's colegial nature and the experience of it's denizens I do like seeing what is said about particular products over at Audioreview.And wheil may expensive audiophile caliber products are reviewed there seems to be a dearth of analogue.I find that a lot of the reviews are to betaken with a grain of salt as they are written by folks either "less informed" folk with more "mass market' type systems (said snootily) where the purchase decisions are being self-justified.Wonder what fols think of them as a forum but also why so little analoigue given the rest of the two channel gear reveiwed.Thoughts?
Agreed,I think that the bad reviwes though where folks have either bought products are better indicators than the 'Aren;t I a genius with golde ears" ones.But you do have to wonder why they might trash something.
Why no tube reviews? Why only one big bucket for all cables? Why not tweaks?

All the points that Jond makes are right on.

Ugh, just tried the site, they now have pop-up ads. Never going there again.

One more response in agreement with Jond, he makes the points very well. There is way too much static in the information there for it to be useful. The reviewers experience and expectations vary all over the place, from the kid who just brought his first boom box home to experienced audiophiles to ex-employees with axes to grind.

This may not be the right place to post this. I have
placed a negative review on what is the current "hot"
speaker on audioreview only to have them post the review
than two or three days later omit the review.
I find this disturbing on a site that is used by many to see what their peers think of certain products.
This is dishonest in my mind and I don't trust any reviews,
regardless of what it may be of, on audioreview.
By the way, I posted the same review twice, only to have them post it then omit it a fews days later.

Hard to take them sersiously when the page with the item reviews has a "Buy It Here" button.

Audioreview has become nothing more than a catalog in high heels and a wig.