Detlof, Asa, others: NOW we're getting somewhere (ref to Bourgogne, Detlof's latest post).
Isn't it unfortunate that the guru can only *point* but cannot carry you there; the actual journey cannot be made by proxy, each for, & by oneself... but we all know that, whether we accept it or not.
Asa, I believe I understand the path to which you're pointing.
If I may, so does this thread's iniator, Nrchy -- in fact, his initial post and his latest (16/10) sequel are quite clear.
Fortunately, we all have our opinions on this thread's subject without which, we could fall into Descartes' trap with the donkey: a hungry donkey is contemplating two IDENTICAL hay-stacks, at equal distance, without ANY elements (visual or otherwise) that could draw its attention to one particular stack. The donkey has to START eating one of the two stacks, mouth is watering -- which stack to choose? None, because there is no data allowing it to make the choice, so the donkey will die of hunger :). (nowadays, maybe order out for a pizza!)
Sorry for ranting -- clink!