Would you refer this to all interested parties?



28 January 2004


Today, everyone knows that copyright protection of recorded music is of major concern to music companies. Unlicensed and illegal music copying via the Internet is rampant.

Here is a disarmingly simple, but effective way to eliminate music piracy at all levels, even including the burning of CD copies, while at the same time, guaranteeing superior sound quality.

Please, bear with me as I explain.

The Internet is digital technology. The Internet transports digital information encoded on music CDs, and it does this with great accuracy. Copy protection schemes have not adequately prevented illegal copying, or transmission of copyrighted music, which is marketed and easily pirated via digital technology.

Huge sums of money are being spent on lawsuits attempting to protect music copyrights, apparently with limited and varying results.

If today’s digital music formats, CD, SACD, DVD-A, MP3, etc., were replaced with ALD---Analog Laser Disc---technology, then the all-analog process used by an Analog Laser Disc Player could not be transported over the internet, nor could any copies be burned, without first needing cumbersome and problematic analog-to-digital conversion. In addition, such suddenly archaic conversion would likely result in poorer sound quality.

So here it is :
A new laser-based all-analog music format---perhaps realized via a simple variable-width reflective spiral, or some innovative new technology, utilizing familiar laser-guiding technology currently in use. This concept realized on a CD-sized disc, marketed and played on an all-analog laser player!

The music industry thus could solve its major copyright problem.

Apart from the substantial benefit to the music industry, new and valuable patents can be generated for such innovative technology.

Needless to say, the first commercial interests holding related patents on ALD technology would benefit the most.

The copyright “Achilles heel” of CD technology as it is marketed today, lies in the fact that anyone with an inexpensive CD burner can (pirate) make perfect copies of copyrighted music for around 25 cents a copy.

In consideration of royalties paid, commercial interests holding ALD-related patents, could ensure that the sale of ALD recording equipment and ALD copy burners is limited to bona fide recording studios only.

As an added bonus, this breakthrough and new laser-based analog format would end the current war between the competing and evermore complex PCM and DSD technologies. Obsolete!

Recording studios easily and immediately would accept ALD mastering as the logical, undisputed, and unrivaled Reference Archival recording format.

Audio publications, worldwide, will rush into print with free, enthusiastic and ongoing positive publicity. There is little doubt that these publications---long critical of “digital sound,” also would embrace ALD technology instantly.

Gentlemen, there is a great deal to be gained here for those with vision in the music industry!

This letter will be sent via the Internet to all known major international music companies, the RIAA organization, editors of audio publications worldwide, and all other possibly interested parties.

Thank you for your attention.
Strange how record companies sponsor and produce really pathetic artists...but they have a formula that sells to the majority of people who are out there. These people are most likely not people like Audiogoners. I have not bought an American made/produced CD in the past year and half...wait, I did, an old Horowitz triple CD/DVD set, that is about it. I REFUSE to sponsor mediocre companies that are formulaic and if they use a technology that is flawled and allows people to clone these material easily. So be it. I am sure there are tons of undiscovered artists readily available in old vinyl or if you are looking for better artist, check overseas labels.
Let all of these pathetic music industry bastard rot....no matter what format they figure out to impede cloning, someone will do it.

PS: Great music will always be available with or without these labels, who would not have sponsored its nurturing anyway. Formats are bound to change, the music that YOU want will not, it will be just in a different format.

I agree that the music being produced today sucks but you are totally wrong about it being too expensive.

The price of CDs have been coming down lately after sitting on a plateau (absolute dollar-wise) for something like 15 years. If you factor in inflation and how it decreases the effective buying power of the dollar plus the general increase in people's salaries over time, music has been dropping in price for years. The newer LP releases are pricier in absolute dollars compared to the 1980s but inflation of raw materials and very limited production runs require a higher price to offset the higher marginal cost of manufacturing. I don't know if the newer albums are pricier even after correcting for inflation because I haven't attempted any calculations to find out. Now we have numerous venues to shop for used music, be it CD, LPs, and eventually SACD/DVD-A. Sounds like you are not shopping in the right places to me.

Mr. Kidknow
I don't understand why DVD's are so cheap after being out for just a few years, but CD's are still relatively expensive. I can buy many movies for $6-8, more popular ones around $10-12. I seldom pay over $15 for a DVD, yet most CD's are minimum $14-16. It shouldn't cost any more to make a DVD than a CD. I don't buy many CD's just because of the cost, although they have come down somewhat. If they lowered the price, they would probably sell many more. Just my humble opinion.
Points well taken. I still think any CD over $12.99 is overpriced, and there are plenty.