Sold my TT, getting another

I sold my MMF7 and now I am receiving a Vpi HW 19jr. I will be installing a Grado reference sonata cartridge when it arrives. Does the bug ever stop? I have told my wife that I am done now. But then I got to thinking, the Vpi is upgradeable:-) The poor girl. I just ordered the MoFi Geodisc and Shure stylus force guage to help with the install of the new cartridge. I am quite technical by nature. Should I have any problems installing this do you think?
Certainly yes,
You will have problems!
In your place I wouldn't jump so-little since the more little you jump the more mony you'll eventually spend for upgrade.
You will definitely will want to jump to better one.
As to setting up the cartrige, IMHO, you can only do it yourself. It has to be some time before you'll find the best point of listening that consists of mainly three variables Tracking Force, VTA and load. For MM you can drop load but some phonostages may have adjustable load capacitance.
You're going from a MMF-7 to a VPI 19 Jr.?! That's kind of similar to selling a Toyota Camry to buy a Honda Accord! He-he! If I were you, I will wait a couple of months, save some more money and get a significantly better table (Nottingham Space Deck, entry level TERES, Origin Live Aurora, etc..). Just my humble opinion... Good Luck!
Scott, you will have no problem setting up your turntable. Although your particular rig was originally set up with a Sumiko Blue Point Special. Your PT-6 tonearm does provide you with a provision for adjusting VTA. You may want to adjust VTA accordingly with your new Grado. Grado's are extremely sensitive to VTA. I use a Grado with a RB900 tonearm on a VPI Mk.IV.

The majority of fine tuning I have done was with the VTA and tracking weight (obviously one will affect the other). I believe the Grado is a slightly taller cartridge than the BPS.

Best of luck with your new rig.