Why is it that when I look up the seller info...

for some sellers I get a start date of 1969 (may have seen other "wrong" dates as well)?
Dekay, I noticed that same thing just the other day. Either Audiogon and the Internet has been around for much longer than I thought....or it's just another bug in the system.

Oddly enough I just looked up my own and it says: 12/31/1969 there too. Maybe I have been here longer than I thought. :)
I've seen this before, too. I'll guess it's related to the computer programming language or operating system this site runs on.

The UNIX birthdate is 01/01/1970, and for many an OS and/or programming language, the concept of time starts there. Put in some sort of (i.e. date - 1) algorithm, and there's your 12/31/1969.
So many glitches to work out yet with this new(er) Gon. I just noticed that if I am reading posts and then try to go to stuff for sale (Buy) it goes into error. I have to start over at the home page.