Planet 2000 Interconnect, please help

I recently got a Rega Planet 2000. It does sound a little dark. I was using DH Labs BL-1. So, I looked for an IC that would bring out the detail and add a little sparkle. I ended up with HT Pro Silway II. I was surprised when they worsened the sound. They did add a BIT more high end, but the fullness and body of the music was gone. When I reinserted the BL-1, the sound was improved. I want to know what IC I should use that will have BOTH fullness and high detail. My budget is up to $500 retail.
(The BL-1 sounded so much better when I put it back in, I almost wondered if I should just stick with them)
Thanks much!
I compared my Rega Planet 2000 with a Meridian 508/24 player and the Rega had MUCH less definition, dynamics and detail, enough so that I am thinking of selling it to move up. I know they are not in the same price league but when you think of spending $500 on IC's and add the price of the Rega you could almost buy the Meridian used.

IMO do not spend $500 on IC's but put the money into a better player.

I hope this is not too negative, the Rega does have nice tone but is a little warm and lifeless.
Yes 500 + trade in will get the job done. A better player is allways a good choice. Get a used pair of Coincident IC and you will be done.
I've used DH Labs, Harmonic Tech, Alpha Core and Analysis Plus interconnects with a Planet 2000. I agree that the DH Labs and Harmonic Tech interconnects are a poor match for the player. If you're looking for some upper frequency boost, the Analysis Plus Copper Oval interconnects are just the ticket. I think the Alpha Core Goertz copper interconnects were a better match overall. I'd never describe the Rega as lifeless though, but I agree with Philoet that using a $500 interconnect with a $600-$700 player doesn't make good sense.
I do not intend to spend $500. I intend to buy used and 1/2 meter. Just wanted to use $500 retail for 1 meter as a reference point. Thanks
I tried Kimber PBJ, Kimber Silver Streak, and Audio Quest Diamondback with my Planet 2000. What turned it into a really sweet sounding machine is the Cardas Cross. Can't say enough good things about that combo. While your at it, try a Cardas Twinlink powercord with the Rega.