I have gone to Radio Shack and other shops, but no one seems to have a clue what I am asking. I have video processor (Cal Labs) that has 5 BNC outs. My projector has 5 RCA ins. Now, the cable I have is BNC to BNC, does anyone make an adaptor to go from BNC to MALE RCA?

Please help? Until I have one BUILT to specs, I would like to buy an inexpensive adapter (radio shack quality would be fine) but can't locate one????

Am I looking for something that does exsist?

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
You should be able to get them at any well stocked electronics supply store. Go to and find part number 7510. They're $1.50 each.
Hi Dan,

An adapter might degrade your signal quite a bit...ok as a short term solution. Find out if the cable manufacturer will reterminate one end for you in RCA. If not, find a good technician to do the job.
Sounds like you're looking for a female BNC-to-male RCA adaptor. You would think they should make this and have it at Radio Shack. Exasperating.

As a temporary fix, Radio Shack does have male BNC-to-female RCA adaptors, and you could plug a male-to-male RCA adaptor into that to create a BNC-to-male RCA adaptor. Alternatively, you could use male BNC-to-female RCA adaptors with male RCA-to-RCA cables, both from Radio Shack.

Best of luck with your custom solution.