3 Top Cartridges Picks

What are your choices,3 Top CARTRIDGES.I want to know what was your experience with them,(if any).
Thank YOU
No, I don't own one, though I would like to. ;)
I've only heard the MC1B many times and I do really like it. Really think it is a very fine cartridge that extracts all there is between the grooves and let's you hear it without pretence.

I once had the opportunity to listen to MC1B and the Urushi through my Herron phono stage. All I can say is that at this level, these carts sound very similar, only slight biases towards warmth with the Urushi. Hard to go wrong with either.

Do let us know how you like the cart once its run-in.
The Magic Diamond cartridge has been recognized by David Robinson of Positive Feedback for a 2004 Brutus Award. I'm revisiting this thread because so few people have heard this cartridge that I find so superb. Here's the link and what D. Robinson had to say...

MC cartridge (medium output): the Micromagic Magic Diamond (pictured here in action on the Walker Audio Proscenium Gold Signature turntable)

This is the current reference cartridge from the Swiss firm, Micromagic, and was recommended by Walker Audio for use with their Proscenium reference system in preference to the Clearaudio Reference that was their previous choice (at twice the price). It's already a "vinyl underground" classic, with a number of cartridge connoisseurs buzzing with the news of an important new reference standard. There's no doubt about it at all in my mind: the Magic Diamond is simply superbÂ… unquestionably the best MC that I've ever had in my listening room, or have heard thus far along my audio journey. Extraordinarily detailed, extended at both ends, natural, and running over with effortless ease and transparent soul, listening through (not to) the Magic Diamond has been a watershed event in my turntable experience.

Thanks for Art Manzano at Axxis Distribution for carrying this cartridge in the USA (www.axiss-usa.com/contact.html), and a BIG "gracias!" to Walker Audio for drawing my attention to this truly amazing MC.

This is a cartridge worthy of consideration among the very best available today, regardless of price. Available from Walker Audio (http://www.walkeraudio.com).
Dear Blcube: Independently of Phono stage/tonearm/turntable the next cartridges can be on your list of top contenders:

- Allaerts MC2 Finish.
- Dynavector XV-1
- Van DenHul Colibri

The Myaby 47, Ikeda REX9, Clearaudio Insider, Koetsu RSP, Sumiko Celebration and Benz Micro LP, will be a second option ( I never hear the Magic Diamond and the Lyra and Grado are not really top performers ).

For cartridges that are out of production ( if you can see it, second hand, buy it ):

- Goldbug Brier,
-Ortofon MC 2000 and MC 7500.
-Audioquest 7000Fe5
-Accuphase AC2
-Audio Technica ATML 180
-ADC Astrion
-Empire EDR .9
-MicroAcoustic MA-630

Regards and always enjoy the music.
Well, my favourites :
Miyabi ( Alnico, the original, not the 47 Lab version )
Allaerts MC2

There is and will be always some hype about cartridges, the marketing is a real special chapter ( When I remember right, the Magic Diamond is from Swiss and I heard, it is based on a Denon DL103 - regardless of it's qualities -, the Cardas Heart is a regular Benz Reference with a few drilled holes in the wood body...)
Anyway, fun counts ....
I have owned various vandenhul grasshoppers, Clearaudios, a Lyra Helicon and most recently a Lyra Titan. At least in my Rockport, the Titan has been a very nice match and a rather significant improvement over the Helicon and I would highly recommend it to you. One further thought, matching the cartridge to the tonearm is really important. If the mass and compliance of the cartridge is a mismatch for the mass of the tonearm or the tonearm does not do a good job of dissapating any energy sent by the cartridge into the arm, you will not be happy with the end result. Another way of saying this is that there are some combinations which are very synergistic, for instance the Colibri in a Rockport arm. I would focus on trying to identify what cartridges work optimally with your particular set up.