Power cords for Pioneer Elite DV-C36

I wish to upgrade the stock power cable of my pioneer dvd/cd player. I need to know if there are any power cord with a configuration at the unit end that looks like 00 (a figure eight sideways) instead of the traditional three prong. Please suggest any power cables with this termination under $500. Thank you.
I am the owner of custom audio llc..
If you email me a picture of the connector...at the iec end.. I should be able to find one for you and or point you in the right direction...
I have a dvd 47a personally and this one had the standard iec... your other option is to have the player modified with a standard iec connector .. not a difficult operation...then you can pick and choose cables at will.
good luck,
Harmonic Technology sells an adapter for about $45 so that you can use any aftermarket cable with a regular iec female connector. Have been using it for a couple of years with excellent results. Other alternative, as stated above, is to install a male iec on the player.