Any Good SACD Player Plays CD Well

I'm using Sony SCD555ES and wanna upgrade to a better one. For the range of USD10000, any good SACD player can do well at red book, which close to the grade of Wadia 861, Mark 390s, or Metronome T1-i Signature?

EMM Labs should be good but there is no one piece player. Learn the EMM products from other post here, DCC2 can suit me well. But the DAC itself can emply my pocket in one go! The MSRP is USD10000. And I need some extra $$$ for the Meitner transport. Is there any outlet selling the whole set under my budget?
I have heard the new Musical Fidelity Tri Vista player, and it sounded great. Its about $6000. See a review in the recent Stereophile.
I love me Marantz SA-1. Just ordered the Superclock II, which should really bump it up another notch. These are out of production and can be found at great discounts on Audiogon.
I have ordered the EMM Labs Dac6 for myself, but for
my younger brother, I have bought a Sony SCD XA777ES.
My reasoning is this; I am a nice brother, but I am
not going to buy my brother a Dac6. For 1,600 [used],
I bought him the Sony SACD player on Audiogon. This
way, he has a great CD/SACD player -- AND -- he can have
it modified to sound even better. David Robinson of
Positive Feedback has said that a modified high end Sony
SACD player, while not in the same league as the DAC6,
is the closest thing he's heard to it. If one does not
have the 15 - 20K for an Emm Labs Dac6, I would recommend
getting a used Sony SCD XA777ES [For multi-channel] or
the Sony SCD 777ES [for two-channel]. It is a one box
player, will provide a nice listening experience in the
short-run, and can be modified in increments when you get
the urge and the $$ to upgrade.

I also bought him a Denon 1600. Now, in two boxes, he
has DVD-A, SACD, DVD -- most all 5" discs can be played
in one box or the other. So, in two boxes, he has it all.
It cost me less than $2,000 [used] on Audiogon. He will
have better CD/SACD play-back than any one box Universal
Player, a DVD player that is free from the "Chroma Bug"
and he can still upgrade.

So, I would recommend this avenue to anyone else who wants to participate in high rez digital, doesn't have the $$$
for the DAC6 [Or Trivista for that matter] -- or who isn't satisfied with the current batch of Universal Players.
Emm labs or bust! I have mine on order, having heard it at the show in Montreal I was blown away with out a doubt the best digital sound I have EVER heard. Not to mention the rave reviews from all of those whom have heard it in there systems(most of which I know and trust implicitly), needless to say I am looking forward to the 2 channel set up showing up.