Any Good SACD Player Plays CD Well

I'm using Sony SCD555ES and wanna upgrade to a better one. For the range of USD10000, any good SACD player can do well at red book, which close to the grade of Wadia 861, Mark 390s, or Metronome T1-i Signature?
I have heard the new Musical Fidelity Tri Vista player, and it sounded great. Its about $6000. See a review in the recent Stereophile.
I love me Marantz SA-1. Just ordered the Superclock II, which should really bump it up another notch. These are out of production and can be found at great discounts on Audiogon.
I have ordered the EMM Labs Dac6 for myself, but for
my younger brother, I have bought a Sony SCD XA777ES.
My reasoning is this; I am a nice brother, but I am
not going to buy my brother a Dac6. For 1,600 [used],
I bought him the Sony SACD player on Audiogon. This
way, he has a great CD/SACD player -- AND -- he can have
it modified to sound even better. David Robinson of
Positive Feedback has said that a modified high end Sony
SACD player, while not in the same league as the DAC6,
is the closest thing he's heard to it. If one does not
have the 15 - 20K for an Emm Labs Dac6, I would recommend
getting a used Sony SCD XA777ES [For multi-channel] or
the Sony SCD 777ES [for two-channel]. It is a one box
player, will provide a nice listening experience in the
short-run, and can be modified in increments when you get
the urge and the $$ to upgrade.

I also bought him a Denon 1600. Now, in two boxes, he
has DVD-A, SACD, DVD -- most all 5" discs can be played
in one box or the other. So, in two boxes, he has it all.
It cost me less than $2,000 [used] on Audiogon. He will
have better CD/SACD play-back than any one box Universal
Player, a DVD player that is free from the "Chroma Bug"
and he can still upgrade.

So, I would recommend this avenue to anyone else who wants to participate in high rez digital, doesn't have the $$$
for the DAC6 [Or Trivista for that matter] -- or who isn't satisfied with the current batch of Universal Players.
Emm labs or bust! I have mine on order, having heard it at the show in Montreal I was blown away with out a doubt the best digital sound I have EVER heard. Not to mention the rave reviews from all of those whom have heard it in there systems(most of which I know and trust implicitly), needless to say I am looking forward to the 2 channel set up showing up.
Thanks lady and gent.

Actually, my Sony 555 is modified with LClock and Zapfilter from LCAudio. A similar tweak as in Vacuum State, which feeding the DSC output directly to the Zapfilter and bybassing the opamp module. After-mod 555 is comparable with the Sony SCD-1.
I'm now itchy and finding a reason for upgrade. The EMM labs is so tempting that I may wait a longer to save up more $$$.