I will second Ejlif's recommendation of Elrod's PCs. I have tried about 17 different brands of PCs (and still own about 9 different brands). I have the Elrod EPS-3s on my Lamm M1.1 amps and the EPS-2 on my Audio Aero Capitole, neither of which are the Signatures) and they easily bettered every other cord. They had more resolution, greater transparency, deep extension without being bloated or accentuating any frequency and have great dynamics.
Some of the cords I still own and which they bettered are the BMI Whale Elite MK-II (very nice cord), the PS Audio Lab Cable (nice cord for the $$$), the Nordost El Dorado, the ESP Essence, the Coincident Speaker Tech and the TG Audio HSR-A GenII (great cord for the money).
Some of the cords I still own and which they bettered are the BMI Whale Elite MK-II (very nice cord), the PS Audio Lab Cable (nice cord for the $$$), the Nordost El Dorado, the ESP Essence, the Coincident Speaker Tech and the TG Audio HSR-A GenII (great cord for the money).