I need audition advice

I'm looking for MM or high output MC cartridges to audition in the sub-kilobuck range. Preferably around $700. I'm thinking I'll use it on a vpi table, so it must track well in a unipivot tonearm. My list so far is quite short--

1) Clearaudio virtuoso wood

2) Sumiko Blackbird

3) Sumiko Blue Point special (hey, if I like it enough to live with it it's much cheaper than the blackbird)

4) The Grado Master (the high output version.)

Does anyone else have a favorite, or comments on the ones I've already decided to audition?
Dynavector 20X or Karat. The 20X is available in both a low and high output configuration. The Dynas work really well on the VPI arms.
Tutordennis, my first suggestion would be taking the dollar figure right out of the equation. In fact, let's put it in this perspective: Under $700.00. How's that?

I own a VPI table and have used every cartridge you have mentioned except the new Sumiko Blackbird.

You have already mentioned a couple of the "overachievers" in the under $700 price point. Sumiko BPS kicks ass. Great high output MC. Not an overabundance of low level info, but really well balanced and tight sounding. Imaging is O.K. Not as punchy and dynamic as the Clearaudio Virtuoso, but, the Virtuoso is not as punchy and dynamic as the Aurum Beta S MkII (my present cartridge of choice and not in your list).

The Grado Master and the Clearaudio Virtuoso will run pretty much neck and neck in sonic characteristics. The Virtuoso is very warm like the Grado and slightly more revealing. I find imaging and separation very similar.

Also, another consideration for your list, the Shure V-15x MR. Incredible overall cartridge and will hold it's head high against every cartridge on the list. Not quite as detailed as the Grado and Virtuoso, but so balanced, you can listen for hours on end.

Personally, I have found in the price point we are discussing, a very competitive marketplace. We haven't even scratched the surface. I'm sure you will have many suggestions resulting from this thread, although you have obviously done your homework. But, don't be surprised that at this price point, that you won't be straining to hear the differences between the above mentioned. It's probably more a matter of what sound you prefer.

Now, putting money aside? Can you say Koetsu Rosewood?

Happy Listening, Ed.
I am using the Grado Reference Sonata with my Vpi. $416.00 Can't beat that price. Great cart.
Thanks, Ed. You mention a quality that's very important to me--balance. Like everybody else, I'm always looking for the sound I don't hear, if that makes sense. For example, I grew up listening o Vanderstens, and as a result, I really can't analize them. They just sound like music to me. Now, if I could find a cartridge that did the same things for me, I'd be set.
I'd personally be very grateful if you bought a Blackbird, which is practically guaranteed to be great, as no one seems to know anything about it beyond what Fremer wrote! Add to our knowledge and write a review! You'd be the first on the block! I'm selfish, I know.

But I've thrown this one out before, and I'll do so again: the Shure V15MRx is a very underrated cartridge which excels at bass, timing, and correct tonality. It plays music, blessed music. There is also the Denon DL-103, which many also swear by, and which seems to have a magical side to it. Just throwing alternatives out there.