What are 6 feet going to do for me?

After doing my homework, and listening to many line, power, and regenerator conditioners I went with the Audio Magic Stealth. I love it. Now here's the deal. The person I bought it from said that I may want to, one day, consider an Elrod ac. He said the difference is amazing. PS Audio suggests their expensive ac for added greatness to their stuff, What is going to happen in 6 feet, (from hospital grade outlet to Stealth), that my Stealth, or any of these conditioners, can't do? All my electronics are fed into the Stealth using Lat International cords. Should I get all Elrods for $6000? Where do I stop? I would think that the electric that comes out of my Stealth is ready for my components. What else needs to be done? Are the power cords overkill at this point? If I didn't have my Stealth, would hooking up all my components with Elrods be the thing to do? Would I still need my Steath or any of the other possibilites?
then why can my M-F amp play music for 10 seconds with no degradation in sound after I turn it OFF?

If this is true, which I will take your word for, it is probably because it has a decent power supply with sufficient storage and minimal inductance internally. Have you tried listening to really intense musical passages at high-levels after you turn the power off?
Increase dB from about 75 to 90 and still played for 10 seconds. Hope I'm not hurting the amp doing this so I'm not doing this anymore.
Increasing the dB is not what I had in mind. I was thinking more that you need high-amplitude transients that are also loud, such as gongs or drum and cymbol crashes, or gunshots etc.. Need to compare these specific events when powered off to always on.