Then.... YOU can publish the measurements on your website. Hey! That's a great idea!!! Then there would be no mystery, no pouting and wishing that other cable manufacturers published their own measurements.
I wish it were that easy. Besides the possible legal issues with naming other manufacturers on my website, there are actually laws in other caountries against this. Best not to do it.
If making a cable sound good was as SIMPLE as making it measure good, every single manufacturer out there would be publishing their measurements and people would buy the cable that measured best. It would be a simple world.
True. However, even if I prove that inductance or some other parameter accounts for most of the performance of a cord, there will always be second-order effects that are less audible that can be optimized with good recipes, such as dielectric absorption, magnetic distortion etc..... These are much more difficult to measure and there are no standards for measuring these either.