Sheilded/Unsheilded Power Cords

Everything else aside, is there any reason to use a unshielded power cord? Are some aftermarket power cords unshielded are they all shielded?

Logically it seems to me that the less EMI/RF stuff running around the better. Just looking for others opinions.

Thanks all,
Then.... YOU can publish the measurements on your website. Hey! That's a great idea!!! Then there would be no mystery, no pouting and wishing that other cable manufacturers published their own measurements.

I wish it were that easy. Besides the possible legal issues with naming other manufacturers on my website, there are actually laws in other caountries against this. Best not to do it.

If making a cable sound good was as SIMPLE as making it measure good, every single manufacturer out there would be publishing their measurements and people would buy the cable that measured best. It would be a simple world.

True. However, even if I prove that inductance or some other parameter accounts for most of the performance of a cord, there will always be second-order effects that are less audible that can be optimized with good recipes, such as dielectric absorption, magnetic distortion etc..... These are much more difficult to measure and there are no standards for measuring these either.
Sean - do you want to be in the cable business??

Here are the requirements:
1) be independently wealthy, because you will not make any money
2) be neurotic about audio and audio components
3) some engineering background
4) really good ears....
Audiognr: I think i've got 3 of the 4 covered, at least part of the way. Try and figure out which part of the equation i fall short on... : )

One can be in the cable business and make money at it. It might not be a lot of money to start off with, but it could be very profitable if you know how to market other people's products. After all, isn't that most wire & cable "manufacturers" do ??? : )
What? Not make money in the cable business... HA HA! People who have made good cables (and some not so good) have done rather well. Ya it takes marketing but take a look at Dave Elrod's business. He does ZERO marketing - he doesn't post to audio boards all day and night to market his stuff...his products just sound good and his products high demand! The products speak for themselves and people who use them...speak for the products.

Audioengr wrote:
you want to be in the cable business?? Here are the requirements: 1)be independently wealthy, because you will not make any money

Ya.. Poor George Cardas. I hear he has to eat Top Ramen 4 times a week. And Caelin Gabriel, he is just suffering! Noel Lee - Now.. I know he's hurting for cash - I hear he's trying to expand his audio business into other areas. Ray Kimber? Who's he? Scotty Hall and Walter Fields broke! Kondo-San is down to his last yen!!!

I hear the owner of JPS labs is working on a contract with Alcoa's recycling division to pick up all the salvage Aluminum cans in California for it's 2003 product line-up.

I don't think Jena Crock is broke.

Who's the Nordost Dude? Synergistic dude? Audioquest dude? Straightwire dude? Transparent? MIT? Wireworld?
Tara Labs?

Robert Lee might be hanging in there by a thread and his HT buddy Jim Wang cannot turn a profit.

Serguei at Stealth? Purist are they going chapter 11? Rick Shultz is busy... Brian at BMI is quite the marketing guy and brings in a few bucks a month.

Who owns Siltech?

How about Max at Silver Audio?

I think Bob Crump is independently least with his sense of humor he SHOULD be!

King's TMC's seem to be selling well...

The Frat Guys over at ZuCable are making a few bucks.

Hell!! Even Tekunda is doing well selling cables!!

So Audioengr? Who isn't making money in the cable business?
Bob Crump told me the amount of money that he made on his "best" year of selling cables. Believe me, nobody here would want to try and live on that amount of money on an annual basis. If Bob did not have other money coming in from previous employment and having planned for his future, he would be in the "lower middle-class" income bracket. I made the amount of money that he mentioned when i was 18 years old working in the mail room of an engineering firm. TG is strictly something that keeps him busy and allows him to to make money off what would otherwise be a thankless hobby.

Obviously, not "everyone" is getting rich off of cables. As mentioned though, the potential to make what most of us would consider "a good living" is definitely there if you know what you are doing and / or know how to market your product. Sean